The Deeper Spirituality Of Gravestone Markers

15 July 2015
 Categories: Religion & Spirituality, Blog

The tradition of marking the grave of a loved one in order to show respect for the dead and provide a place for the living to visit and remember reaches back centuries. In fact, hundreds of years ago in North America some Indian tribes built large mounds out of earth, rock or timber that served as monuments to the dead. Grave markers have changed significantly since then, however the long tradition has served to create a world of symbolism. Read More 

Tithing And Charity: Learning About The Many Subcategories Of Non-Profit Organizations For Children You Can Donate To

20 April 2015
 Categories: Religion & Spirituality, Blog

As a religious or spiritual person, you may feel compelled to give your time, money and/or resources to a good cause. However, there are dozens of non-profit organizations for children, making it very difficult to choose what you should support. You may consider turning to God in prayer for help deciding where to donate your time, resources, and/or money. As you wait on His answer, here are the subcategories that formulate the many children's charities, which should help you become more familiar with them. Read More 

3 Common Subjects Of Marriage Books You May Want To Read

17 February 2015
 Categories: Religion & Spirituality, Blog

If you are struggling in your marriage and would like to read some Christian books about this subject, you could purchase them from a used bookstore. This is a great way to save money on books and you might find a lot of great information in the books you purchase. Here are three common subjects Christian marriage books discuss, and one of these topics might be exactly what you need to help save your marriage. Read More