Tithing And Charity: Learning About The Many Subcategories Of Non-Profit Organizations For Children You Can Donate To

20 April 2015
 Categories: Religion & Spirituality, Blog

As a religious or spiritual person, you may feel compelled to give your time, money and/or resources to a good cause. However, there are dozens of non-profit organizations for children, making it very difficult to choose what you should support. You may consider turning to God in prayer for help deciding where to donate your time, resources, and/or money. As you wait on His answer, here are the subcategories that formulate the many children's charities, which should help you become more familiar with them.


This is a generalized category, but many religious and spiritual-based children's charities address a number of poverty issues all at once. For example, an organization may ask for less than $10 per month to feed, clothe and provide safe drinking and bathing water for each child you volunteer to help. Similar charities may only address warm clothing and a safe place to sleep, while others may only ask for resources such as blankets and shoes. Still a few more charities actually help build huts and homes for impoverished families.


Many underdeveloped countries not only cannot afford to build and maintain schools, but also do not send their girls to school when a school exists. There is a non-profit that pays for girls in impoverished countries to get an education, get a school uniform and shoes, and get the books and supplies they need to succeed. You could choose one of these charities, either to educate all children or just to educate girls to give them an equal chance at success in life.


In some countries, children have to walk great distances just to get to school or to a food distribution center. Many of them are nabbed along the way, raped or killed, or sold into slavery. To deter these horrific crimes, a couple of newer non-profit organizations for children have begun buying bicycles and bus fares for children to get to their destinations safely.


In underdeveloped countries, there is limited access to vaccines, anti-venom, nutrition, good prenatal care, and oral/dental health care. Many children's charities often focus on either poverty or medical/dental aid because both are very serious issues. You can see many pictures of the results of improved health care, vaccinations and oral care on these charities' websites.

Choosing What and How to Donate

You could become a missionary and travel half the world away, but that choice is not for everyone. There are charities here in the U.S. to which you can dedicate your time, too. If your schedule is already so packed you do not know how you could donate a second, much less a few hours, then consider donating clothing and goods or making blankets. If you would rather tithe and use your tithing towards these charities or similar ones that your church supports, that also works. However God directs you to give, it helps. To get started, contact a charity such as THE LOUIS HOUSE FOUNDATION.
